Build Your Business With the Best MLM Tools

Building an MLM business will at first be an exciting venture that you approach with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm, however, will only get you so far. At some point, it will seem that there are no new leads and no way for you to progress in your business. Using the best MLM tools available will enable consistent growth in the new business.

Training Materials
Do not ignore any training materials that are available to you. Training should be a part of any MLM marketing system. Speak to your enroller for coaching and advice, read up on any training manuals, and watch any training videos provided by your company. At the very least, search the Internet for MLM marketing ideas that other people have successfully used. As MLM companies continue to grow, new methods and techniques are constantly being discovered, so be sure to brush up on any developments in MLM tools.

An Online Capture Page
One of the best MLM tools yet created is the online capture page. This page should be your own page separate from the overhead company. This is a page designed to bring attention to what you can personally offer visitors. The capture page should be cleverly designed to capture people’s interest with snippets of information and a promise that through contacting you, you can help them achieve their goals. The capture page will also need to include a form for people to leave their contact information. Through the capture page, you can collect an incredible number of potential MLM leads.

An Auto Responder
After you create an online capture page, the auto responder is another of the best MLM tools for helping you grow your business. The auto responder is a key element to your prospecting system. It will send out a pre-written e-mail to anyone who leaves his contact information on your capture page. The e-mail will include, again, a little bit more information to entice your MLM lead to ask questions on how the company works and what you can provide. Through other pre-written e-mails automatically sent out over time, you can continue reaching out to those who do not initially respond to the first e-mail sent. An auto responder helps keep you in contact with potential leads.

Personal Communication
One of the best and most undervalued MLM tools is personal communication. Automated responses are good for an initial contact. Once your MLM lead shows more interest, however, it is time to get to work and instigate personal communication. This can be through personalized e-mail messages, phone calls, or in-person meetings, if location allows. MLM leads are interested in communicating with an actual person, so make yourself available to answer questions and invite conversation about what your business offers.

Hard work is required to build any MLM business, but with the right MLM tools, the workload can be made easier to bear. Using proper tools will help to generate lots of potential leads and to keep their interest over time until they sign up to be a part of your MLM team.

A Good MLM Prospecting System Includes Lead Capture Pages

An MLM prospecting system is a system designed to help generate and contact potential leads. The best of the MLM tools for helping generate leads is a capture page. This is a web page that is created to capture people’s interest quickly and motivate them to send you contact information so you can draw them in with more detail.

The first step in encouraging MLM leads is having a good headline at the top of your capture page. It needs to be short and catchy while giving some hint of what your company can do for people; such as help them gain financial freedom or enjoy better health. It has been found extra helpful to have the headline written in red and in quotation marks. This will help capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to see the headline message as being of extra importance.

Provide an Offer
A good MLM prospecting system will include an answer to people’s underlying question about any sort of business offer: What’s in it for me? A successful lead capture page will offer up the means to find that answer. The offer could be a testimonial, a business report, or anything that will give a tidbit of information that entices the visitor, but does not offer up all the information they need. Whatever you choose to offer, make sure it includes relevant and up to date information.

Multimedia Segments
To really capture the attention of potential MLM leads, the capture page should include an audio and/or a video clip. These should start playing immediately upon opening the capture page. Your MLM prospecting system needs to engage people’s attention right away, so whatever is playing on the capture page will need to catch their interest within the first ten seconds. Not only does an audio or video clip capture people’s attention, but it also helps individualize your capture page, which will help you stand out in their minds.

Interest Points
Beneath the multimedia clips, there needs to be a list of interest points that will entice visitors to explore your MLM business in more depth. As part of the MLM prospecting system, provide only enough information to encourage people to look deeper, but not reveal the whole premise of the MLM business. Include some interesting statistics; mention the benefits that can come from working within this particular company, and how you have helped others in the past. These little information tidbits will entice MLM leads to search for more information.

Contact Information Form
The last piece to include in the lead capture page is a form for your new MLM lead to fill out. This form should ask for only the most basic contact information, such as first name and e-mail. The less you ask of people, the more likely they are to commit a tiny bit of information which you can then use to connect with them at a later date. A successful MLM prospecting system will generate MLM leads through building relationships in small steps like these.

Having a well-designed lead capture page will be of insurmountable value when searching for MLM leads. It is one of the best and easiest MLM tools to create and use. 

Use Site replication to provide Your Distributors a Web Presence

In today’s highly competitive business environment, it is extremely important for any business to remain a few steps ahead of their competitors. By making use of site replication facilities, even multi level marketing distributors can now enjoy the benefits of having a reputable and professional online image. With rapid advances being made in technology on an almost daily basis, site replication has become a lot easier than people think.

Enhance Site replication with Customized Domain Names
Almost everyone who has an online presence knows how important it is to have a customized domain name for their website. With site replication, it is also possible for each MLM distributor to have a customized domain name for their site. This enables each of them to build up their unique client base without encroaching on the territory of another MLM distributor from the same company. It also ensures that their clients are able to easily make contact with them without needing to first go through the main website of the MLM distributorship. Customized domains also make it easier for network members to keep in touch with their specific distributor.

Site replication Allows for the Integration of Social Media
Many people think that site replication means that each MLM distributor has the same website with the same functionality. This is not true, because each distributor is able to have various features and functions added to their replicated website which will make their lives more convenient. An example of a function which can be integrated into a replicated website is that of social media. By adding Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter profile and contact information, it will ensure that new, as well as existing clients, are able to make use of social media to keep in contact with their MLM distributor.

Incorporate Group Email Broadcasting and a Handy Calendar into Replicated Websites

With time being of the essence for every MLM distributor these days, it is good to know that there is a wide variety of time-saving features that can be successfully incorporated into their websites. A calendar and task list can be integrated to ensure that the distributor never forgets another appointment. Group email and broadcasting facilities allow the distributor to send emails to multiple recipients simultaneously. This is especially handy for welcoming new recruits to the network and ensuring that promotional emails reach everyone. For this purpose, contacts can be imported into the replicated website from almost any email account, which is also an excellent time-saving feature for the distributor.

By making use of site replication, any multi level marketing company can ensure that they are making use of one of the very best marketing tools which have been tailor-made to suit the needs of their distributors. The benefits and functionality of site replication are so advantageous that no multi level marketing company should be without them. Always ensure that a reputable company is used to deal with all of your site replication needs.